Should Texas Teacher Receive a Mandatory Raise or Not?

Dallas Morning News

In the article "Here's Why Every Texas Teacher Shouldn't Get a $5,000 Raise" written by The Dallas Morning News, the editorial discusses the possible negative effects of the Senate Bill 3 which effectively raises teachers' salary by $5,000 by the beginning of next year. The article is not written by one sole author but written collectively by the editorial board and serves as the voice and opinion of The Dallas Morning News. The Dallas Morning News is one of the twenty largest paid circulations in the United States, with subscribers of around 271,900 and has received numerous awards, one prestige award received was the George Polk Awards for education reporting. I believe this article is intended for Texas legislature and the tax payers of Texas to be aware of the impacts of the bill on their public school system. 

The article states the benefits of using a merit system for teachers' by rewarding the higher performing teachers to keep doing what they are doing in the front line and encourages the worst to look elsewhere for jobs. For example, the Dallas Independent School District (DISD) initiated Teacher Excellence Initiative which has proved effective as poor performing teachers are let go, allowing for better teachers to instruct our children with increased raises. Logically speaking, the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board does not believe a $5,000 raise to all teachers is fair when not all teachers perform the same. Despite the good intentions of the bill, this also rewards the under performing teachers which ultimately affects our children's education. I believe this editorial was well written and supported by evidence such as previous attempts in Texas for a merit system for teachers in terms of salary. Although the bill is well intentioned, the legislature needs to look further into alternative ways to spend the budget to guarantee that our child's education is the priority.


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