Blog Stage #4

Based on the article in the Texas Tribune, the TexasSenate passed a bill allowing school marshals to carry a concealed gun. The article supports the passing of the bill laying out advantages to having an open, concealed gun by qualified marshals in the school system. After last years school shooting in Sante Fe High School, which left ten dead and thirteen wounded, I believe it is a wise decision by the Texas Senate to pass a bill that allows marshals in Texas schools to carry their guns concealed rather than locked up. This bill specifically is intended for the safety of school children. Some argue that it could be “a recipe for disaster” and parents believe that guns should not be easily accessible to students. However, the author, Alex Samuels, does a great job of explaining that the bill allows for marshals to carry in school but it is ultimately up to the local school system to use accordingly, not mandatory by federal law. Although Samuels is a new graduate of the Univeristy of Texas Austin’s School of Journalism (Class of 2017), she presents the details of the bill passing with very clear information with minimal bias. I feel that when it comes to life and death situations, it is wise to have a responsible individual have access to a weapon without having a lockbox.


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