Blog # 7

President Trump’s decision to expand the borders of the wall between the United States and Mexico have not only affected immigrants, some residents of the state of Texas are experiencing federal government abusing their power of eminent domain.  Eminent domain refers to the power of a state or the federal government to take private property for public use while requiring "just" compensation to be given to the original owner. It is unfortunate but the Texas local government has no jurisdiction in regards to eminent domain since federal government holds jurisdiction over each state in the United States.
It is evident that President Trump is fixated on creating the borders of the wall. However, the media rarely publishes or covers details of the seizing of private citizens’ properties or instances where the government low-balls the citizens for their property. Currently, the federal government is filing more than 350 eminent domain lawsuits against citizens in Texas to take control of their land. The Texas local government should have more control over their land especially for a matter than many Texas are not in agreement with. For example, if the issue, such as the wall, is not objected by the citizens of that particular state, the Texas government should be able to have higher jurisdiction over imminent domain. Some families have lived in lands that were passed down from generations ago, and to give up a piece of history could be devastating especially when the wall is not something that most people in Texas agree with.


  1. I agree that some public schools in Texas could use extra funds but I dont feel as if Texas is labeled a great state because of the amount of funds Texas gives to public schools. Texas is a great state because it has produced the most oil and natural gas of all the states. Texas is also one of the largest states in America, Texas has always had an outsize economic impact. Besides oil and gas production, Texas has been an agricultural powerhouse for cash crops such as cattle and cotton. These are all the reasons that I consider Texas a great state. I believe your comment was a bit dramatic! I would love for schools to get more funds but your tactics are incorrect. You are blaming the wrong people instead of looking at who is in the office, start thinking about who put them in office? After looking at my parents home and how much they pay in taxes at the end of the year to the school. It amazed me the richer the area the better the school because they pay more in taxes than people in a low income/middle-class income. I’ve noticed how big and nice high schools are in better areas compared to the high schools in poor areas. If Texas was to give more funds for public schools that need it I bet they would take more money from the people that are in the school zone for taxes and the end of the year. Is that really what u want? The poor people get a bigger portion taken out of their taxes for the school that their children may or may not attend. In my opinion at the end of the day, we all get taught the same material AP and Dual Credit class are offered to all students.


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