Texas School District Pushing to Extend School Days

Texas School District Pushing to extend school days.

Texas lawmakers are considering extending the length of school days by additional 30 instructional days (7 hour days) to the current 180 school calendar days. One reason they found that just four in 10 students in the state of Texas reads at grade level by third grade, and by extending the school days would benefit the students that are struggling. By extending the time for the students, the state must extending the pay for the teachers, but where would the fund come from?
Even though this bill is still being crafted, Texas lawmakers are trying to change how the state funds the schools. I think it is something to consider but I also think for those students that are not struggling in school, and if school does extend is it fair for them? I agree we definitely need to help the ones struggling but perhaps in a way where it does not affect the others. I find this article interesting and excited to see what the Texas lawmakers decide on. Would you be for it on extend the school days? Or are the teachers receiving a chance of a raise?  I think the article is worth reading because it could affect our future generation and how our tax dollars are being used towards something that can benefit the everyday person.


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